(A complete overview About the construction of the overpass South of the island of Java)
The island of Java would be belted, half a part of the belt that is now named cross street Shuttle. Half of the Southern Cross Street is known as cross Street South of the island of Java. Cross Street South of the island of Java-Indonesia is now in the stages of development requiring funding more than trylyun dollars.The island of Java which is included in The Group has grown in Indonesia, is the region with the development of an economy that is very rapidly and the potential, where the island of Java has the potential of natural resources and human resources. But in reality, not all areas in Java, shows the development of the same. Physically the area north of the island of Java is more developed than the southern region. Condition of the road infrastructure in the region North of Java such as Pantura has been able to lift the wheel of the economy, social activities, and the mobility of citizens, whereas due to the limitations of the road infrastructure in the region South of Java, the development of the region and the low level of well-being of the community still found even many isolated areas. Java-Indonesia have Belt course this is just a term, because Java is like having a belt .
This is proven by the existence of cities and towns in the northern region is more developed, such as Jakarta, Surabaya and Cirebon, etc. In addition the percentage of the value of GDP per capita area of Northern Java is much higher compared to the South. Average of all sectors of the economy in the region of southern Java has a very small contribution, with a percentage between 0-13%.
Java-Indonesia require belt due to the fact of southern Java area, has a huge potential of natural resources, in addition to having a fertile land, mine resources, tourism, also rich in marine resources. A wide range of potential it's possible to do a more optimal development.
The potential of this key can also be seen in real per capita GDP in the percentage of the value of southern Java area. The agricultural sector provides a large enough value in the kontibusi GDP per capita of the province which reached 35-50%. In addition, there is potential in tourism, especially nature tourism, with the contribution of GDP per capita of the province of 18-22%. Wealth and abundant potential for these of course is a strategic factor that is able to push the progress of southern Java area as well as improving the welfare of the community if developed optimally with the support of economic and social infrastructure is adequate.
The following description of the potential that exists in some parts of Java island to the South.
Figure 1
Examples of Potential Natural Resources in the region of South-East Java
A = Mining
B = Tourism
C = Industry (Craft)
D = Plantation
E = Fishing
Figure 2
Examples of Potential Natural Resources in southern West Java
A = Agricultural
B = Tourism
C = Plantation
D = Farm
E = Forestry
F = Industry (Craft)
As an attempt to balance the growth of the North coast of Java and the southern coast of the island of Java as well as to face the challenges of density pantura Java one is with the construction of infrastructure. One of the infrastructure to be built is in the form of roads and bridges. Why?
Because roads and bridges is the infrastructure that can become veins in developing an area as well as the creation of regional space structure. Related to this, the efforts made by the Government is the development and improvement of the infrastructure of cross street in the South of the island of Java.
In accordance with the policy of infrastructure development, one of the functions of the construction of road network traffic South of the island of Java is to ensure the smooth movement of goods from the region of production to marketing purposes as well as the movement of people between centres the settlements.
Cross Street South of the island of Java was planned for connecting 5 provinces in Java, Banten, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java, which starts from Labuan Island (Banten) to Banyuwangi, East Java province along with the length of 1,614 km, in masingmasing province is
1. Banten 128 km,
2. West Java 419 km,
3. Central Java 190 km,
4. Special region of Yogyakarta 157 km, and
5. East Java all 662 km.
The initial step in the construction of the overpass South of the island of Java have been initiated in 1997-1998 to do pre-feasibility study. Proceed with the feasibility study on the 2000-2001, and 2002 'S ENVIRONMENTAL studies, as well as the design and implementation of construction in 2002-2007.
In fact during the time in the southern region of Java has been constructed the road districts and provinces, where investment by each region is quite large, but still not quite sufficient to unlock the potential isolation that would otherwise be utilized optimally by its inhabitants.
With the founding of the Southern Cross network of roads that classy national road with a primary artery function 24 meters wide and are road network that connects all over. This southern part of the island of Java, at least the issue of accessibility has been resolved. It can be said that the construction of the Cross Street South is not only to facilitate transport from West to East and vice versa, but it is important to improve the well-being of millions of residents in the area south of the Java island .
Determination of the route starting from the results of the Detailed Engineering Design of the Planner and then conducted a review of the location of the shared between the provincial government with each of the District Government and discussed in several sessions. The results of the meeting be integrated with network study conducted by the Central Government, i.e. the study of the Arterial Road Network Java (JARN). Next from the result set routes cross Street South of the island of Java in terms of its funding through the sharing of the Central Government which is more proportionate.
Currently, the currently existing condition Cross Street South of the island of Java have not fully functioning. In addition to being a bad road surface conditions are also due to several bridges connecting unfinished created in some stretches of the road.
Examples of cases in the province of West Java, Cross Street South in West Java province over 5 counties, namely, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Garut, Tasikmalaya and Ciamis.
The existing condition of the road although the majority have been paved, but the roads are still in the stage magnification or damaged in several sections. In Cianjur, still there is a bridge that has not been completed causing the Cross Street South was cut off. In addition, the conditions of the region South of Java, which is relatively hilly quite troublesome for road construction with a flat contours.
Cross lanes South of the island of Java which is later expected to be part of a network of cross street and became the main access in addition to the North, not detached from the constraints that exist, among others, physical condition or the contours South of the island of Java, limited funding, procurement, and also issues annual contracts.
Physical condition or the South Beach area contour yg weight in this case is a cross-roads, mostly through the mountains, cliffs, and canyons that should be handled with strong construction of avalanche and landslide threats. Examples of cases in the province of West Java, which is still a large number of rocky road or not worthy of being passed along the Southern Cross. The link (link junction) which connects the North with the South also has not been adequate, with the condition of the area is mostly hilly mountains. The quality of the course of just a notch road districts and villages, with a width of approximately 5 meters.
While the condition in his left-right way is the Hill and ravine.(see Figure 3). Other constraints related to the physical conditions are examples of cases in the province of Yogyakarta special region. On the link a 7 in Yogyakarta, the construction of the bridge is of importance in the continuity of the road network or corridor. Link 7 requires a link bridge close to the sea with a length of 600 meters (see Figure 4)
The next obstacle is the limited funds, which can be divided into two problems. The first is a matter of design. The limitations of existing funds has resulted in the construction of the Cross Street South is a newer alignment than the study of the technique is a priority aspect of geological, drainage, and others. Though both of these are actually the same importance and cannot be separated from each other.
The second problem is the construction. Construction funds for a total of 1,614 km long path involving many districts with limited quantities must be allocated to all counties, and so smaller funds be accepted each district.
The third constraint is about the procurement of land. One of the constraints of land located in terms of procuring the release of the land. Exemption of land is one of the problems terumit in construction of roads, including the construction of the overpass South of the island of Java. Most of the land that would be fetched as roads are owned by local residents. Therefore, the exemption of land must be through negotiations between the Government of tricky with the community, inter alia by providing redress as appropriate and also understanding that the construction of the Cross Street South will also positively affect the welfare of the population is about. for In addition to the property of individuals or local residents, land tenure to be used as cross Street South is also part of the land is forest.
Not less complex, for the use of teak wood land, it first has to pass through the mechanism of loan-use with compensation of 1: 1 match Candy Forestry Number : P. 14/Menhut-II/2006, as well as meet some requirements include design, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT studies, the ability of land compensation, and others.
The last obstacle is an annual contract. Annual contracts give negative effects in terms of lost time and inefficient due to the process of procurement, necessitating the maintenance of the road that has not been completed. Here is a picture of some of the obstacles that occur at cross Street South of the island of Java.
Figure 3
Example Problems Of Physical Condition Cross Street South
in the area of West Java
A = the road conditions are not yet paved
B = milestone
C = cobbled streets and uphill
D = milestone along a more or less 5 km
E = the bridge connecting the disconnected so it can't pass
F = Path meandering with steep enough slope
G = the road sloped quite steep
Figure 4
Example Problems Of Physical Condition Cross Street South
in the area of Central Java and YOGYAKARTA
A = new roads in the province of YOGYAKARTA has been using the bridge along 600 m
B = cross Street South in the province of YOGYAKARTA which still use the existing segment (not yet built the bridge)
C = new roads cross the southern part of Central Java province in Indonesia
D = the road is still in the stage of completion
Of the various things that are already described above relating to the Cross Street South of the island of Java, it requires a long process as well as attempts to cross Street South of the island of Java was completed. One of the most important thing is that this development should be fixed in accordance with the rules of the Chamber so that the later is expected in the future, Cross Street South it will be a road network that really pay attention to the technical rule and sustainable development, so that really can improve the economy of the region South of the island of Java.
It would, the construction of the overpass South of the island of Java is focused on the acceleration to be utilized by the public road, although for the traffic light.
If the belt is the island of Java is finished, we will encounter panoramic views of the beautiful beaches such as Kute-Bali. Just look and compare the pictures of the beach here.
( Sights in Kute-Bali )
( Sunset , in Kute-Bali )
Here's a view of the beach is on the Cross Road South of Java island, namely:
1. Pulau Merah Beach Banyuwangi
2. Lampon Beach Pesanggaran- Banyuwangi
3. Plengkung Beach
4. Grajagan Beach
There are beaches in the South Malang East Java, that its beauty like the Tanah Lot-BaliPicture Banyuwangi's Beach
Description :1. Pulau Merah Beach Banyuwangi
2. Lampon Beach Pesanggaran- Banyuwangi
3. Plengkung Beach
4. Grajagan Beach
Balekambang Beach-Malang
Ujung Genteng Beach |
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