Monday, June 13, 2011

Flower Soka In Indonesia

Soka Flower Indonesia native plants
I am interested with this flower because of three things. First, this vibrant and growing interest around the neighborhood where I live, including in my workplace. Second, there's never been a friend recommends trying in the field of mass planting flowers soka. Third, when I was a child his nose had conceded this fruit plants soka.

The flower is a lot of life around the neighborhood where I live. Once out of the House, my gaze has always been disuguni by Red meronanya flowers of this shrub vegetation endearing. His Latin name plant Ixora Sp. This flowering year-round, although never taken care of though. From my observation that glimpse, soka can live on land with the State of the type of sharing the weight though, i.e. on the textured clay or even a textured clay.

Initially I assumed it only live on the island of Java. It turns out that according to, soka spread not only in Java but is also found in Sumatra island and the island of ternate in the name of the area respectively. Soka consists of two types.  

According to, two types of soka soka it is native to Java (Ixora Javanica) and soka hybrid. Three examples of soka Ixoca Coccinea hybrid that is, Ixoca, and Ixoca Chinensis Fulgen. Soka local (see picture) of the original Java height can reach more than 4 m. Circumference of the base of the stem can reach 40 cm. 

Rods of this dark-colored dikotil that sometimes accompanied spots by lichens are much attached to the stem, branches, and twigs with a taproot. Its relatively hard. The shape of the leaves tapering to the size of the maximum length of 2 cm and a width of 24, leaves the Central 9, 6 cm. The color red flowers with clustered. Being for soka hybrid in all things, its size is smaller.  

The advantages of a hybrid color flowers are more soka varied and easily cultivated. The color of flowers there are hybrid soka red, Orange, pink, yellow, etc.

In his speech, explains that this in addition to having the soka a beautiful flower, as well as nutritious as new drug cuts by mashing the smooth stems and roots that then smeared onto the injured. Are chemical content of soka it is saponim and flavonoida.

Among the public, plants the soka often as an ornamental plant. The ornamental plant hobbyists often put him in the gardens as outdoor plant because it is all about soka living in the open, although it can also be used as an ornamental plant in the room (indoor). In addition, clumps of flowers soka often used by some communities to flower sow. As the flower blooms soka often sow, mixed with rose, jasmine, ylang ylang flower, flower kanthil, etc.  

The flower is the flower which sow by some communities for studded in certain places, for example, in the Tomb or for a certain ritual activities. It needs a flower soka for these activities is relatively high. Meanwhile supply is not balanced. It caused the pengepul flowers soka should get around to different villages to seek such interest from House to House. Yet many people are mengebunkan these flowers specifically as a plant holtikultura.  

Lantara was a friend of mine a while nyeletuk, offered me to mengebunkan soka. "But the soka required to interest the local soka original sow is, not that small it (IE not soka hybrid). Soka is small it does not conduct "says a friend. "Later if successful, let me know. My friends who will buy the merchant rates sow crops flower sokanya results. I've tried to harvest, but to no avail "imbuh a friend. Initially I was interested.  

Thought I, land in front of the libraries of the school and in some other place that allows planting soka. Was reflected in the mind, the land of sleep in front of the library was later so flushed by flower soka, students who participated in extracurricular landscaping can be new knowledge and experience, in addition to later be revenue from the sale of flowers. However the shadow that I break myself after a friend had said to flower sow.  

Although secretly I trying to harvest them in the House that I live to add to the collection of ornamental plants. Venture planting I did using the cuttings of the stem. In this way that I did so to find the fruit is not as easy to find the flowers. In addition there have when planting soka can by using the way stem cuttings. But what happened? It turned out the way that I did not succeed. Rod's on the ground that the soka it dries.

I was surprised when I was a kid can find fruit soka to created toys and then put the nose which was lodged in the nostrils. Father-in-law had panicked. Father-in-law did not dare to remove it from fruit soka nostril grandson, although he was a paramedic who work operate on patients. Often doing surgery. It turns out that paramedics are also human beings. Deal with patients that there is no blood link directly can toughen up, but once faced his grandson's own conditions of different psychological novels.


A picture listed kaolin cliffs on the side of the upright is a cliff as high as more or less 2, 40 m, composed of minerals kaolin. Cliff kaolin was formed because of outcrops made man. The cliff is land belonging to residents in it there are building homes and yards. The cliff is located in the village of kaolin Kedungbanteng Subdistrict Sumbermanjing, Malang.  

That's one of the locations of field-college students majoring in Physics-Geology/Geophysics study programs FMIPA  Brawijaya University (UB) Malang, East Java. College square is guided directly by the Chairman of the Department of physics/Geophysical Studies Program, Adi Susilo, P.Hd on Sunday, June 12, 2011. In the activity of this Adi Susilo, p. Hd invites principal SMAN 1 Sumbermanjingwetan Drs. Ibnu Harsoyo and Senior Teacher of SMAN 1 Pagak to subjects geography of Iswahyudiharto, S.Pd.

Minerals Kaolin, kaolin (Al2O32SiO4.2 H2O) is one example of high-quality, software, and not plastis. The minerals constituting is kaolinit, nakrit, and little violence between 2-2.5 and the weight of its kind 2.6-autoconf. As it appears on the image, the color of the minerals it is white, gray, white and pinkish.  

In addition there is also a kaolin that is colored gray, yellowish, or pinkish. Deposits of kaolin goes through weathering and decomposition of igneous and metamorphic rock rich in aluminum silicates (gramit, greissen, and porfiri quartz). Deposit of kaolin can also occur by the process of kaolinisasi on the rocks of the felsfatik, where the mineral potash minerals-silicates and aluminium feldspar was changed to kaolin.

When a student asked the owner of the benefits of kaolin, land which is above the cliff suddenly said, "to paint Yes Sir". It is true, one of the benefits of kaolin in everyday life is for the manufacture of paint. In addition, kaolin was also utilized for ceramics; refractory materials; porcelain; the material mix in the paper industry, textile, rubber, pharmaceuticals, shoe Polish, toothpaste, compounds, and other chemical industries; as well as the plaster walls. Remember! Refractory used in making a shuttle belonging to the United States it comes from kaolin.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Difference Igneous Out Products Of Mount Semeru and Kelud

The lithosphere is derived from lithos and sfer/fer/faira. Lithos meaning stone and fer means layers. Thus the lithosphere means rock. Is the science that study it's Geology. A branch of Geology which studies rocks is called Petrology. The branch of Geology which studies the minerals or mineral is called Mineralogy. Was the study of crystals is called Kritalogi. 

The lithosphere is often called the skin of the Earth/Earth's crust (crust). The parent of all the rocks in the lithosphere is the magma (molten rock). According to the process of occurrence and its formation, the rock in the face of the Earth are classified into three groups of rocks. Rocks-rocks are:

1. igneous rocks
2. rocks of sedimentary deposits/(other rock)
3. Metamorphic Rocks

Igneous rocks (igneous rock rock) is a rock that is formed because the magma freezes through a process of cooling. Based on the freezing of magma, igneous is distinguished into three kinds, namely: 

Igneous in (inner igneous rock rock) is formed in igneous magma (batholit), located deep within the Earth and having the process cooling in a very long time. The rock is often called the rocks the rocks of the abisis plutonic rocks/.
  1. igneous korok/gang/porfirik (' korok'igneus rock or hypabyssal rock) are the igneous rocks formed in the korok/gang/the pipes drain a volcano (in diatrema) or in the formation of other intrusion.
  2. igneous out/efusif (outer igneous rock rock/effusive rock) are the igneous rocks formed in the Earth's surface with a relatively quick process of freezing.

For the next study we only leads to igneous. Considering the formation of this rock in a relatively quick, of rocks has its crystal grain characteristics: subtle, even amorphous and partially exposing the holes the former existence of a trapped gas.

One example is andesitic igneous rocks out. Andesite according to Bagja Waluya (2007: 110) was "rock leleran of diorit, fine-grained minerals, the composition mineralnya with diorit, grey". Next Bagja Waluya mentions that the volcano in Indonesia produces rocks andesite lava in the form of piroklastika. A lot of rocks andesite containing hornblende andesite called hornblenda, while many contain piroksin called andesite piroksin.

As such, the two images that according to the rock seems to me is an andesitic rock. The image below is the outer product of igneous mountain most high and most active on the island of Java, i.e. volcanoes Semeru. Characteristics of rock colors gray "kehijau-biruan: java-language". Are the images of the outer product of igneous kelud which shows the typical grey colour rocks andesite. Both volcano is a mountain range in Central Java to the 

East, including on the bow of the Sunda arc--Banda, extract from sirkum the Mediterranean. Even the two volcanoes in East Java province was only a straight km in the past, the rocks of the andesite is used for materials of the temple. One example in candi Penataran at mBlitar. Being at the moment, these rocks are widely used for building foundations, paved roads, as well as speaker for the construction of the concrete. 

Rocks of andesite unsweetened/sheet used for stone decorations on the walls of the settlements are located.

The Purpose Of Mathematics At The HIGH SCHOOL Level In Indonesia

Mathematics is the science underlying the development of universal modern technology, has an important role in various disciplines and develop the power of human thought. The rapid development in the field of information and communication technology today be grounded by the development of mathematics in the field of number theory, algebra, analysis, theory of chances and discrete mathematics. To master and develop technologies in the future required a strong mastery of mathematics since early childhood.

Mathematics needs to be given to all students ranging from elementary school to equip learners with the ability to think logically, analytical, systematic, critical, and creative, as well as the ability to cooperate. Competence is needed so that learners can have the ability to acquire, manage, and exploit information to survive in the ever-changing, uncertain, and competitive.

Each activity must have a goal, the goal of teaching people or people learn. The purpose of mathematics should be understood together either by teachers or learners. The same understanding of the purpose, will positively impact against the teachers in teaching lessons. While the students will be more motivated in learning and practicing and practicing if the purpose of the lesson is also well understood.

Mathematics in Indonesia as the Government through Decree, aiming to BSNP learners have the ability as follows:
  1. Understand the concepts of mathematics, the description of antarkonsep and apply concepts or algorithms, as a flexible, accurate, efficient, and precise, in solving the problem;
  2. use the reasoning on the pattern and nature, conducted a mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile evidence, or explain the idea and mathematical statement
  3. solve problems that include the ability to understand problems, design a model mathematics, completing the models and interpret the solution obtained
  4. Communicating the idea with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problem
  5. Have the attitude of valuing the usability of mathematics in life, i.e. have the curiosity, attention, and interest in learning mathematics, as well as the attitude of the resilient and confident in problem solving.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The main needs of society Indonesia

Ten things staple

Metro TV in cooperation with the Demographic Institute at the University of Indonesia (UI) conducted a survey to determine the 10 needs of the people of Indonesia at this time. The survey results are shown on the show "Metro 10" on Sunday night, 4-4-2010 is:

1. Rice
2. Delicatessen
3. Vegetables, nuts, and fruits.
4. Home
5. Fuel
6. Fish, meat, and milk.
7. Tobacco
8. Beverages, seasonings (for cooking), and crackers.
9. Automotive products (car)
10. Education

It turned out that education was ranked last out of 10 Indonesian society needs tersebet. According to one expert said that it proved to education in Indonesia is considered less important. Then add the number of board members with low education. Communities are not willing to make education as its criterion. 

According to these survey results revealed that the low level of education is because there are still many poor people in Indonesia. Metro TV said that according to Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Indonesia's current population of 320 million soul. Thirty percent are poor.

Other survey results, other results of my observations. According to my observations, there is a tendency in society to compete to have a degree, even overlapping. Maybe if surveyed what the public needs ranked 11th huh? 

Especially with the lure of short educational university time can be arranged. S1 college can be less than four years. Lecture S2 has one year to master's degrees, etc.. Quality and consequence of such title are ignored. Apparently the title is also a need to acquire instant status and prestige.

Note The Life

"Sometimes life be a disappointment, because of the hopes and dreams are up on the fact ..."
Yes, as some time ago, Tammy completely unable to find the men. Experience of fatigue and hunger until the Sun nearly sets. But, at least it could remove him from life tired due to the conflict and the State of his mother's father. 

Instead he met life taught her many things, also got a lot of inspiration to complete his notes.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, to my absence the km days ago ..."
"Never mind, no nothing. Oh yeah, last night Uncle Samuel call "
"Whether to talk about my writing? Oh yes, I haven't had a chance to tell the mother that ... "
"You go to the Publisher for writing right?"
"Yes, and…"

"And unfortunately writing not yet published. Be patient girl, may not have been to this point. Do not be disappointed, the mother is proud of yourselves. Hopefully someday you're being an author is notable, not just want to express mere protests over the State of your mother's father. The mother has not been able to do much. "
"Yes Ma'am, life has taught me to accept anything that has been outlined by God and always appreciate all the matter in fact, despite the bitter though. Life always taught me that I can find peace in every anxiety "

Instantly, the mother immediately embraced Tammy and unable to stem her crying. Haru, proud, happy sad, and disappointed in himself. Itself is not an exaggeration to say selfish, think of the issue itself and laid waste to several issues of his daughter. 

"I'm sorry mom son. Mother never ignored the loneliness and kegelisahanmu. The mother will try to understand perasaanmu, trying to be nice, also on your father, even though it's not going to change our whole life ".

From outside the motor stopped sounding voice, pak mail.
"Mother no longer prohibit father here to meet me right?"
Mother shook his head.
"Mother also does not prohibit the father to menelponku right?"
Mother shook his head.
"Then, why post deliver the mail Pack for me?
Being the last to send mail to me is the father. Lest the father so moved the work to Nigeria ". Tammy silent briefly.
"Why? The mother was afraid dad go ya? "
"Ah, no. Mediocrity. If you go Yes let me go "
"But, mother seem not willing so"
"Huh? So, mothers do not willingly dad go? The mother still loves ya Daddy? "
"Who said. Never mind the sooner you go, could have had a letter from someone else. "

For a small child

Life is a journey the length of a little boy to manhood.
(the first had hopes come true)
Although people never knew his maturity level, someone started to call the little boy as an adult.
He actually lived in his life, even he is living in one's life.
Come to the Publisher, the place you intend to publish ' your life '
(hope both?)

A man

Tammy and her mother were held. His mother slowly nodded, "go girl. And your dad is not going to Nigeria ". "Mother can't conceal the relief", reply to Tammy with a smile. "And you couldn't hide his anxiety. Fast go, life will be mengajarimu a lot of things. Everything will be fine. " Tammy heaved a long breath, steadying his mind then steadily stepped away to leave his mother.

"Sabrina". "Tammy". They are acquainted with the hospitality of each. "Sorry, your writing is not yet published for now. Yes, at least in the form of books, today already completed is printed and you can see. For the cost is set up a pack of Samuel, he was also a story about your life, "said a woman short-haired and well-dressed, the age of about 23 years old, his face serious. 

Tammy just nod and smile. "Oh yes, related to the letter you received it, is to meet with me. So, I was saying just a friend of the man who ever meet in the park some time ago. Remember? ", Asked the woman then greeted a little strained by nod Tammy. "Okay, short stories and without further ADO, I asked for help to offer an apartment on your" short and clear, he said.. Yet missing the tension experienced by Tammy, thus increasing the shock, she simply speechless. 

Sabrina smile, "chill out, here's what I mean. Are you willing to accept and manage an apartment. Yes, it is not sespektakuler as you would expect. But at least you can be the owner of the apartment. "Ha??? The correct course. Don't mess with me. I indeed never imagining it to be the owner of the apartment, but neither should you underestimate the seeming sneering and imaginary ", 

Tammy little offended sahut. Sabrina silent for a moment and said gently, "this is real, I am not lying. How do I ..., oh yes, this is no files and letters. You can see. " Then Tammy started seeing files shown by Sabrina.

"I know this is real and not engineering. But, not as easy as it is right? There must be something behind all this. "
"Why do you not believe? You remember the contents of the letter, about the expectations of both the right? "
"Yes, but it ...."
"Well, quite frankly. The man who once you meet it is the sole owner of the apartment's heir. 

His parents died of accidents since 3 years ago. He was a student at a University in Australia. His studies a bit disturbed because he had to manage apartments that, while he does not trust anyone to manage it. And obviously he's so appreciate your wish that you would like to be the owner of the apartment. In addition he was already seeing how your efforts about the book you write, even though it has not yet been published. He's already read them all. "

"Do I have to accept it?"
"Why close the possibilities? Indeed sometimes something big that came unexpectedly. And sometimes we are not ready to face with a thing that never quits, even it is the hope of our own. One thing, this offer is only valid for 3 days, I never forced any and never regret your decision. This is already in sight. Good afternoon ", Sabrina leaves Tammy that sitting limp. His mind messed up. Her dilemma.

Tammy middle of discussing with the parents. His father and mother are in a time of emotional, so that the issue of anti can be focused. Tammy tell me everything from meet the man, meet Uncle Samuel for his book and about the apartment offered him.
"But this is very interesting"
"Is there any other mean?"
"They are the rich, remember! Just 3 days "

"Let us together, according to an agreement about the apartment was then I will accept it. MOM and dad will help me in its management. We will work together, if there is a risk it will be our responsibility and if there is happiness then will we enjoy together. And apartments on behalf of Tammy Melanie. "
Three days later Sabrina met Tammy at his home. His father and mother joined the meeting. Tammy signed the surrender of the apartment, also received a certificate and other documents. 

Then they shake hands. "You don't have to worry about. This is not a fraud, but rather the reverence of a hope. Oh yes, this letter to You. Thank you, I excuse me ", with due respect Sabrina farewell after handing a letter beramplop white to Tammy.

For a small child that go up

Life is a miracle of hope into reality.
Life was a surprise top things limited to delusion and suddenly looks at the views.
(hope the first and second has become a reality, despite the fact that not as perfect as hope)
About how a person knowing a name and a place wherein
about how someone is trying to realize our hope,
and about respect for others who didn't get to you know,
are you alone is the reason-that reason.

You are a flame of passion in one's soul.

Sorry I haven't been able to become or find a pilot for the aircraft of your life.
Because you yourself will later find it.

If you want to know,
now I'm in Australia continue to learn.

Survivors fight for your life

A man

"Then I'll never get to meet again with him, knowing the name or place of residence. But I'd love to say sorry and thanks to him. "

"Father, mother right now I'm happy. But, I still keep one's hope anymore.
I hope you guys want to be happy with me, I hope we can be happy together again. If MOM and dad are willing? ", Tammy eye rays which really begs sincerely greeted the nod by both parents. They embraced accompanied girl happiness.

Life is reality happy berseling grief.

Never afraid to hope in life.
Hope it does not mean dead.
Thus, the hope is the steps of life itself.

Learn more about ADSL modems


ADSL refers to asymmetric digital subscriber line and a kind of DSL broadband internet connection technology. One of its major benefits is excessive quantity of data which can be sent to already accessible copper telephone lines. They display an improved form of conventional modem lines. 

In order to meet the needs of high-speed internet communication devices, there have been numerous improvements in today’s environment. There is a specific attachment of a special filter connected to the user’s telephone line which enables both ADSL and genuine telephone services need to be run in synchronization. This filter is popularly known as micro filter. 

The construction features of ADSL computer modems call for the services of subscribers and ADSL modem which should be kept in close geological area to the internet service provider’s central office. it is imperative to get the best services that subscribers can attain from the lack of balance of the digital subscriber line. 

The distance between the ISP office and subscriber should be in a radius of maximum 2.5 miles. The upstream rate of ADSL is 16 to 640 Kbps and its downstream rate is 1.5 to 9 Mbps which makes it beneficial as compared to all other internet connections available in the defined vicinity.  

The latest ADSL technology is majorly represented by ADSL computer modems. This modem provides a popular and cost effective solution for end users. It enables the faster data transfer directly to the personal computer of the user. The cost of this modem differs depending on the user’s demand for the speed variations in the server. 

There are numerous options with the variations of upstream and downstream frequencies according to the capabilities and location of the users. The minimum available configuration is 1.5 Mbps and maximum is 8 Mbps.  

ADSL computer modems are generally of three types including Ethernet, PCI and USB. The major advantage of ADSL modems is that it can create multiple channels for the transfer of data.